A book covering 100 significant colours in art & design by Laura Perryman, 2021.  
Name: The Colour Bible by Laura Perryman
Publisher: Octopus Books / Ilex
Industry: Interiors, Colour, Architecture, Product Design, CMF  
Publisher @alison.starling
Commissioner @ellie_corbett1
Managing Editor @rakkel_silverlight
Editorial Assistant @ellenoneilly
Art Director @bengardiner3000
Design @shewasonlystudio
Picture Research @giuliaheth
Senior Production Manager Katherine Hockley

The Colour Bible is an essential and inspirational guide to colour in art and design. It’s a succinct book covering 100 significant colours and their pertinence and potential for use in the world around us.

Colour is multifaceted, without an understanding of the fundamentals of colour theory and understanding of how colour affects us -  it can feel overwhelming. The book clearly highlights the foundations of colour, with tips on how to use colour for the better - to improve user experience and create improved palettes. There's cues of how to make successful but also intelligent palettes with each of the colour entries.

It's chaptered by the spectrum red, yellow, orange, blue, greens, pales, darks and browns. Each chapter explores each colour area. 
Every colour profile starts from the colour’s origin then tracks its evolution, historical use and where it lands today – the then and the now. Each entry finishes with a suggestion for the modern utility of the colour.

It's visual - it was always going to be! Using examples of art or design to unpick individual colours, their histories, material origins - and demonstrates how they have context and relevance in today’s world - and showcases more advanced forms of colour, natural colour, and colour trends highlighting where they are heading.

To purchase the book > Take a look here.
Inside the Book - Colour Narratives 
Back to Natural Colour 

Individually featured in the book, Woad, Turmeric, Madder, Indigo and Beetroot and other organic dyes have had a resurgence in recent years. The rise of the ‘slow movement’ in modern design and the ethics of sustainability have brought attention back to processes and colours that are closer to nature.
Future Colour - Science & Innovation 

Modern science links colour to material and performance to take colour beyond aesthetics. The photosynthetic qualities of natural pigments such as chlorophyll can be harnessed to generate energy, while the blackest nanotubes repel detection. Meanwhile, new colour technology can limit production waste, with colour biofabricated directly into material surfaces.
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